I often get angry during dinner time. That's because Jia Yi only likes to eat whatever is not on his plate.
"What do you want to eat?" my husband will ask every day during dinner.
We will all tell him our preferences and he will do the ordering.
When all the food arrived on the table, Jia Yi will argue that he did not ask for the one that he had ordered. Instead, he will want to eat whatever, my husband or I had ordered for ourselves. And we ended up eating what he had ordered for himself.
Jia Ya is too young to order for herself, so she usually shares with Jia Yi (since Jia Yi cannot finish all the food himself). The problem with her is that she does not like to eat. I do not know why.
The other day, I had to trick her into eating the food on her plate.
"How big is the mouth of the crocodile?" I asked her. She will open her mouth to show and that's when I can put the food into her mouth.
"Wow! The crocodile is so smart. It can eat up Jia Ya's food."
"Do you want to eat your food now?" Jia Ya will refuse.
"Come here rabbit, open your mouth and eat up Jia Ya's food." And Jia Ya will open her mouth to eat.
I have to continue to name all the different types of animals in order to get Jia Ya to eat her food.
So tiring! My husband said that I had taken the whole zoo of animals for dinner.
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