Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Getting Jia Ya to Walk

Jia Ya does not like to walk and I do not like to carry her. Can you guess how I get her to walk?

I play a game with her. I will hold Jia Yi's hand on my right and Jia Ya's hand on my left. We will all walk together. When anyone of us says 'Stop!', all of us will have to stop walking. Then, we will see if we have all stopped with the same legs in front. The odd one out will have to switch legs so that he/she will have the same leg in front.

Of course, I will not stop too long for them to switch their legs. So, in order for them to follow my legs, they will both walk faster.

Do you have other ways to get them to walk without having to scold them? Tell me know and I shall try it out with them.

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