Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Reading While Walking

How many of you like to read while walking?

Yesterday, I went to the childcare centre to pick Jia Yi up from school. He was so excited to show me the new magazine that his teacher had given him. I asked him to show it to me after we got home, but he refused. He took out the magazine as we were walking home and started reading it.

Jia Ya saw him with the magazine and tried to snatch it away from him. She wanted to take a look at the magazine too. But, Jia Yi refused to pass it to her and told her that she will only get to read it when we got home. Jia Ya started crying aloud. I then told her that it is not good to read while walking, because she will not be able to see where she is going. She insisted. I had no choice but to walk faster so that she stayed away from Jia Yi.

Jia Ya was arguing with me for the book. Just then... "Bong'. We heard a loud sound coming from our back. Jia Ya stopped talking when she heard Jia Yi crying out. Jia Yi had knocked his head against the pole. Jia Ya was too shocked to ask for the magazine again, instead....

"Haha! Ask you not to read, knock on your head already lah!" laughed Jia Ya at Jia Yi.

Jia Ya and Jia Yi dared not ask for the magazine to read anymore. We finally went home in peace.

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