Friday, November 01, 2013

Lego Workshop

          I am glad that I went for this Lego workshop. What can be so special about a Lego workshop? I was not told what to expect from this workshop...

          We were told to think of a cartoon character and to draw it on a graph paper. My initial thought was to do something really simple - Spongebob! Everything is squarish - should be easy to handle.

From the picture I took using my mobile phone, here comes my draft.

If you looked carefully, you will realize that my Spongebob is not smiling. I supposed that it will be easier to make the 2D Lego mosaic in the end.

Below is my final product, see - it's smiling again. That was because I have plenty of time left after finishing my Spongbob with a sad face.

Not bad for the first try. I'm looking forward to make Smurfs!!

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