Saturday, November 02, 2013

The Value of Outdoor Teaching

    I would love to bring my students outdoor for my teaching some times. Thus far, I have only manged to do so with one class without any big hassle. The students were discipline and ready to listen to the instructions. They were on tasks and I don't have to worry too much about them running 'wild'. At the end of the day, the lesson was accomplished and very often we learnt something more than expected. I got to see things from the students' perspectives and learnt alot from them in return.

     Unfortunately, I don't have this 'luxury' these few years. The students came in with different agenda and discipline is a big issue. Being worried about the students' safety is one big factor. And very often, students were not on task. At the end of the day, the tasks were not completed, time wasted and everyone was frustrated.

     Hopefully, I can manage them better and motivate them to follow my directions. The article below talks about the value of outdoor teaching and how it can motivate students to learn better.

The Value of Outdoor Teaching

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